

The 2017 JoRISS call for Sino-French research projects is open as of June 1st, 2017. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2017 and the date of notification of results is November 22, 2017.



Created in 2010, the Joint Research Institute for Science and Society (JoRISS) is an international research structure designed to foster scientific research collaborations between the East China Normal University of Shanghai(ECNU), the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon(ENS de Lyon) and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS).JoRISS acts primarily as an incubator for new research projects over a 1 to 2 year long period and a platform for long term development of projects previously incubated within or independently of JoRISS.



All research projects must be jointly conducted by an ECNU investigator and an ENS de Lyon related investigator(CNRS,INSERM,etc. researchers are eligible).Team members may include researchers from other institutions, especially from University of Lyon partners.Members from the University of Lyon interested by this call are invited to make contact with an ENS de Lyon affiliated researcher or to seek assistance from the ENSL Joriss coordinator to this effect.



Projects content:

1) Submitted projects may fall in one of the 2 following categories:
A.Projects dealing with the 2017 priority domain: Health Sciences
     Enjoying a good health has been ranked to a top priority in modern societies and remains today in many respects an ever-growing concern of the citizen. This increasingly central preoccupation with securing a healthy condition is nevertheless currently undergoing a number of important transformations. Even if the new approach to health emerging from these transformations emphasizes the role of non scientific factors in staying healthy, its most essential aspect is a reconfiguration of the scientific study of health, and hence of the contribution of science to health protection. A reconfiguration epitomized by the rise of the expression of Health Sciences as a substitute to the traditional one of Medical Sciences. 
    The 2017 JoRISS call for projects intends to stimulate cooperation on any aspect of this reconfigured field of investigation, that spans the Human versus Hard sciences divide and extends from the frontiers of biology and chemistry to those of sociology and philosophy. Contributions from its various constitutive sub-divisions, as well as more reflexive ones about the foundations and implications of the reorganization of the traditional inquiry into health issues that it incarnates, are welcome. Topics might range from basic scientific discoveries with a potential benefit for the cure of physical and mental pathologies to the impact of technological transformations on health treatment (e-medicine, big data techniques…) and the redefinition of such basic concepts as that of illness or the scientific significance of traditional Chinese medicine.


B. Free topic Projects: 
   The 8th Call is also open, without any topic limitation, to all research projects satisfying the JoRISS conditions of eligibility.
2)The Call is open to all disciplines.Projects with an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary perspective are encouraged.


Projects type:

Submitted projects may fall in one of the following categories:
1. Incubating projects:
a/ New projects:
- JoRISS provides up to 20,000 euros in seed money for the incubation of new research projects;

- 50% of the funding obtained is provided by ECNU to the Chinese members of the research project, and 50% is provided by ENS de Lyon to the French members of the research project;
- funds can be used for a maximum of a period of 24 months;
- project leaders must commit themselves to seek further subsidies from national and international funding agencies in the course of the incubating period and are strongly encouraged to submit projects with partial funding from other sources already secured; 
- at the end of the first year, selected projects may solicit additional seed funding from JoRISS; 
- at the end of the incubating period, successfully matured projects are expected to apply to pursue their development at JoRISS with external financial support;

b/ Continuing projects:

-incubating projects started in January 2017 ( selected through the previous – 7th – call for projects) can solicit additional seed funding within the limit of 20,000 euros;
-funds obtained can be used for a maximum period of 24 months;


2. Developing projects:

- incubating projects started in January 2016 ( selected through the 6th call for projects) as well as projects incubated independently of JoRISS may apply to pursue their development at Joriss for a period of 2 years, renewable;
- developing projects must be financially autonomous;
- occasional financial help for organizing research activities can however be solicited from JoRISS in the course of the project;
- developing projects benefit from all material advantages attached to JoRISS, including the use of the JoRISS website, administrative assistance, the use of the Shanghaï JoRISS office and a yearly round-trip Lyon-Shanghaï ticket;
- they also fully benefit from the privileged scientific and interdisciplinary environment of JoRISS and participate to all common activities;
- selected projects are required to provide a progress report every 2 years.

Special attention will be paid to the following criteria in the selection process :

- number of doctoral students involved in the project; 
- number of high standard scientific publications authored by the investigators in the area of the project; 
- amount of seed funding already secured;
- adequacy with the strategic scientific orientations of the three partners.



Applicants are strongly encouraged to have a preliminary discussion about their projects with one of the JoRISS coordinators (See mails below) before submitting their application.

Application forms can be found on the “Call for Projects” page of the JoRISS website:


Proposals must include:
1/ Incubating Projects: New projects
- a completed application form to be downloaded from the JoRISS website;
- a description of the project not exceeding 4 pages and including all crucial information, such as brief history of previous and/or existing collaborations, agenda of realization of the project, detailed list of involved investigators, specific relevance of a Sino-French cooperation, originality in the field, expected scientific and institutional impacts, long term perspectives and potential beyond launching period;
- a letter of commitment by the two co-directors of the project to actively secure the complementary seed funding mentioned in the proposal;
- a detailed budget, specifying the breakdown of the total amount into standard category of expenses (travel, stay, instruments…) and the anticipated distribution of expenses between France based on investigators and China based investigators;
- a short curriculum vitae of the two project leaders emphasizing their scientific competences and achievements related to the project.

2/ Incubating Projects: Continuing projects
- a detailed report on the scientific realization of the initial project since its official starting date (not exceeding 4 pages);
- an update on the different adjustments that might have been introduced in the project since its selection (not exceeding 2 pages);
- an update on the financial situation of the project, detailing the use of previously obtained JoRISS funds, and the amount and nature of complementary funding actually secured;
- a document motivating the solicitation of additional seed funding from JoRISS and detailing its destination.

3/ Developing Projects:
First application:
- a completed application form to be downloaded from the JoRISS website;
- a presentation of the project including (not exceeding 10 pages):
a/ an updated general scientific and organizational presentation of the project; 
b/ a detailed presentation of the incubation phase: research activities, results obtained, publications, funding conditions;
c/ a 2 year work program;
d/ a presentation of the funding situation. 
Renewal (every 2 years):
- an updated summary of the scientific and organizational presentation of the project;
- a presentation of the research work accomplished over the past two years (2016 and 2017);
- a presentation of the work program for the years 2018 and 2019;
- a presentation of the present funding situation



A.Proposal must be submitted to in PDF format only.

B.For more details:

- see the JoRISS website at
- contact the French or Chinese coordinator:
Prof. ZHOU Yunxuan:
Prof. Jean-Michel Roy:


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